Thursday, August 8, 2013

One year ago today...

One year ago today, I left on the biggest adventure I've ever taken. 

Before I left Alaska, Thailand was a dream to me. While I was in Thailand, Alaska was the dream and now, once again, Thailand feels like a dream. I've been back in Alaska for almost one entire month now and not a single day goes by when I don't think of Thailand. I have a whole life there- a family, friends and so many memories. There were certainly hard days and there were nights when I couldn't sleep, but there are so many amazing relationships that I've  formed this past year, innumerable exciting opportunities for adventure every single day,  so many people, places, memories and feelings that I will never ever forget.  One year ago today, my adventure as an exchange student started. 

Honestly, it's hard for me to feel as though the adventure still continues. Now that I've returned to Alaska; to Palmer, to my family and friends, school and life here it certainly feels over.  I seem to be good at forgetting the fact that the adventure is never over. Last year, being an exchange student was my adventure. But truly, life in and of itself is always an adventure. So for now, I'm just reminding myself everyday, that life is the biggest adventure a person can ever take. This year isn't just another year, or just the year after my exchange or just my Senior year of high school. No, this year is my next adventure.