Monday, December 3, 2012

Chicken Dinner on Thanksgiving Saturday

Bow ca di, don wan Thanksgiving krab krua chan bai Seattle, Washington. Bai yuu nung atit gub krab krua. Wan Thanksgiving mi kon yu (krab krua le peun) ti ban gin kao duai gon.  Tuk kon jai di, jer tuk kon nung wan don bpi. Chob wan Thanksgiving ti sut.

Usually, on Thanksgiving my family goes to Seattle, Washington. We stay with extended family for one week. On Thanksgiving many people (friends and family) come to eat dinner together.  Everyone is kind and I only see every one once a year. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

This year I shared Thanksgiving with my second host family. I cooked chicken for dinner because Thailand doesn't have turkey. And we celebrated on Saturday instead of Thursday, so that my host sister was home from college in Bangkok to celebrate too. We ate mashed potatoes, chicken (with Oregano spice mix that I brought from Alaska), macaroni and cheese (my family has a special way of making it for Thanksgiving... no silly box mixes for us!), salad, apple pie and some Thai food my host mom cooked.

Every year my family takes a branch from a leafless tree inside in a vase. Everyone then writes what they are Thankful for on a construction paper leaf and pins it to the tree. This is one of my very favorite traditions and so this year I drew a Thankful Tree. I had a few teachers at school, exchange students and my host family all write on it.

Though the chicken was not a turkey, the macaroni didn't quiet taste up to standard because of Thailand's lack of worthy cheese, and the Thankful tree was just a drawing it didn't really matter...

Thanksgiving is truly my favorite holiday because I get to share it with so many of my favorite people, my family and friends. I was surprised to hear that my host family, who has hosted exchange students for about ten years, has never had an exchange student share Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is about family and I'm glad I got to share a few of my favorite traditions with my new family and they were glad too.

My new host family :)

Apple Pie in Thailand!

Thankful Tree!
This is what I ate on real Thanksgiving. Not exactly the average American Thanksgiving dinner, but delicious nonetheless! :)

Started off Saturday (Thanksgiving celebrating Day in Thailand) with a skype with some of my extended family! What a great way to start the day! 

Hope all of your Thanksgivings were wonderful!

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